[ award ] Bernd: A place with such a title *must* be good. I admit that was not exactly a logical argumentation, but this site lives indeed in that it offers a lot of interactive features such as a discussion forum, surveys and news. Especially if one is tired of LCARS menues that all look alike, here is a place with a unique design. An HTML 4 browser is required, yet, the technical performance is fast and flawless. The main part of Star Trek Lives is a comprehensive database, spanning all important topics in the Trek Universe. It is a very good place to search for specific facts, whether it is a photo of Tasha Yar or information about rarely seen artifacts like the Stone of Gol. Many of the depictions are taken from Star Trek card games, and cannot be found elsewhere in the web to my knowledge. The download section has a couple of very interesting things too. There is an English version, but the German version is currently more extensive. Summarizing, Star Trek Lives is an all-round Trek site with interesting stuff for everyone. I couldn't imagine anything that is missing except for the announced sections to be added soon. Congratulations to webmaster Matthias Krackau!
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