
  Mora Pol  James Sloyan

Scientist who studied Odo at the Bajoran Institute of Science following Odo's discovery in the Denorius Belt in 2358. Doctor Mora studied Odo's remarkable ability to change shape, and helped encourage Odo's adoption of a humanoid form. During Odo's formative years in the laboratory on planet Bajor, Dr. Mora and and other scientists called him odo'ital which in Cardassian means "nothing". Mora regarded himself as Odo's father, and found it difficult to accept Odo's increasing independence as Odo integrated himself into humanoid society. The two remained estranged following Odo's departure from the institute, until 2370, when Mora enlisted Odo's help in investigating a shape-shifting life-form on planet L-S VI.

Mora Pol was first seen in "The Alternate" (DS9).
mora pol

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