
  Admiral Leyton  Robert Foxworth

Chief of Starfleet Operations and architect of a failed military coup of Earth's government in 2372. Early in his career, Leyton was the commanding officer of the U.S.S. Okinawa when Benjamin Sisko was the vessel's first officer. Leyton later recommended Sisko for the position as commander of Deep Space 9. In the early 2370s, Leyton became deeply concerned about the possibility that the Founders of the Dominion might be using changelings to infiltrate Starfleet, perhaps even the Federation government itself. Failing to convince Federation President Jaresh-Inyo to adopt repressive security measures, Leyton engineered a plan to create fear by faking evidence that a Dominion invasion was imminent. Leyton's plan would have culminated with a military coup of Earth's civilian government. When acting Starfleet Security Chief Benjamin Sisko discovered evidence of Leyton's plan, Leyton dispatched the Starship Lakota to destroy the Starship Defiant, in order to prevent Sisko's evidence from reaching Earth. Leyton's plot collapsed when Lakota Captain Erika Benteen refused to obey Leyton's order to destroy the Defiant with all hands.

Admiral Leyton was first seen in "Homefront" (DS9).
admiral leyton

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