
  Alynna Nechayev  Natalia Nogulich

Starfleet senior officer. Admiral Nechayev was responsible for the handling of the Celtris III incident in 2369. Nechayev blasted Picard for his decision to return the Borg known as Hugh to the Borg collective without also sending an invasive program developed by Enterprise-D personnel. Picard protested that using the program, effectively a genocidal weapon of mass destruction, would be a violation of Starfleet's principles, but Nechayev, fearing a mass invasion by the Borg, ordered him to use the weapon if another opportunity presented itself. Nechayev was promoted from vice-admiral to fleet admiral in 2370. During that year, she was involved with the creation of the Federation-Cardassian Treaty. Later, she ordered Captain Picard to evacuate the settlers from Dorvan V. Late in 2370, Nechayev once again visited the Enterprise-D to discuss the Maquis situation. She asked Captain Picard to persuade Ro Laren to infiltrate the Maquis. She also traveled to Deep Space 9 in 2370 to discuss problems maintaining the treaty, including the troublesome Maquis. alynna nechayev

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