
  K'Ehleyr  Suzie Plakson

Federation special emissary who supervised the return of the Klingon sleeper ship T'Ong to Klingon space in 2365. K'Ehleyr was responsible for averting a potential crisis, since the crew of the T'Ong believed the Klingon Empire was still at war with the Federation. K'Ehleyr's mother was human, and her father was Klingon. She said that she had inherited her mother's sense of humor, but her father's temper. K'Ehleyr had been romantically involved with Worf in 2359, but the relationship remained unresolved until 2365, when K'Ehleyr was assigned to the Enterprise-D to deal with the T'Ong crisis. K'Ehleyr and Worf nearly took the Klingon marriage oath at the time, when, unbeknowst to Worf, their liaison resulted in the conception of a child, Alexander Rozhenko. Worf remained unaware that he was a father until K'Ehleyr returned to the Enterprise-D in 2367. K'Ehleyr also served as a Federation ambassador to the K'mpec government. When K'mpec learned he was dying of slow poison in 2367, K'Ehleyr helped orchestrate his scheme to appoint Jean-Luc Picard, an outsider, as his Arbiter of Succession. K'Ehleyr was murdered by Duras during the rite of succession, after K'Ehleyr began to uncover evidence of Duras's wrongdoings. Worf subsequently claimed the right of vengeance under Klingon law and killed Duras. Worf also accepted custody of his son, ALexander, who remained with him aboard the Enterprise-D.

K'Ehleyr was first seen in "The Emissary" (TNG).

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