
  Lore  Brent Spiner

A highly sophisticated humanoid android built by noted scientist Dr. Noonien Soong and Juliana Soong at their laboratory on planet Omicron Theta. Lore was almost identical in physical design to the android Data (also built by the Soongs), but had more human emotional responses built into his programming. Lore was activated around 2335 or 2336, but was shut down by Soong shortly afterward because colonists at Omicron Theta viewed Lore as a threat. Lore was responsible for luring the malevolent Crystalline Entity to Omicron Theta, resulting in the death of all the colonists there. Lore remained dormant until 2364 when his components were discovered by an away team from the Enterprise-D. Upon his reactivation, Lore exhibited manipulative and sadistic behavior and was eventually beamed into space when he attempted to gain control of the ship. Lore drifted in space for nearly two years before he was rescued by a passing Pakled ship. In 2367, Lore responded to a call sent by Dr. Noonien Soong, intended to summon Data to Soong's new secret laboratoy. Soong had intended to install a new chip in Data's brain to give the android the ability to experience human emotions. Arriving at Soong's laboratory at the same time as Data, Lore stole the new chip by masquerading as Data. Soong died shortly thereafter, and Lore escaped before Enterprise-D personnel could apprehend him. Lore later encountered a Borg group wandering aimlessly in space. The Borg were experiencing individuality as a result of Hugh's reintroduction into the collective, and were unable to cope with the experience. Lore seized on the situation and appointed himself as leader of the Borg. He promised to re-create them in his own image, that of a completely artificial life-form. The Borg willingly followed Lore, attacking his enemies, capturing his brother, Data, and also sacrificing themselves to his medical experiments. A small group of Borg, led by Hugh, suspected that Lore was incapable of fulfilling his promise, and were angered at the suffering Lore was inflicting on his experimental subjects. This dissident group of Borg, aided by Enterprise-D personnel, overthrew Lore by force. Shortly thereafter, Lore was deactivated by his brother, Data. The emotion chip designed by Soong was removed from Lore's body before it was dismantled.

Lore was first seen in "Datalore" (TNG).

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