Full Name: Chakotay
Current Rank: Commander (field promotion)
Highest Starfleet Rank Attained: Lieutenant Commander
Current Assignment: Executive Officer, U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656
Biographical Information Place of Birth: 2335, Dorvan V
Chakotay was
born on a Native American Federation colony located near the Cardassian
border. His people were descendents of Mayans and the Central American
"Rubber Tree People" of ancient Earth. Growing up, Chakotay
never fully embraced the ways of his people, but was fascinated by
Starfleet officers and their 24th century technology. When he was 15 years
old, he announced to his father, Kolopak, that he wanted to leave the
tribe and join Starfleet. A year later, he passed the entrance exams and
left for Starfleet Academy on Earth. It was not until he was older that
Chakotay finally learned to embrace his culture.
In 2370, his
homeworld was given to the Cardassians as a result of the
Federation-Cardassian Treaty of 2370. His father, Kolopak, then joined
with the Maquis, a group of renegade Federation citizens in the
Demilitarized Zone, and was killed by the Cardassians. Chakotay resigned
his Starfleet commission and joined the Maquis.
Starfleet History 2350-2354
Attended Starfleet Medical Academy. Promoted to Lieutenant
Commander. Posted to Starfleet Security, Advanced Tactical Training.
Instructor. 2368 Resigned commision in Starfleet to become a Maquis
captain. 2371 When the Maquis ship was destroyed after being pulled
into the Delta Quadrant, the crew was transferred to U.S.S. Voyager, where
Chakotay became first officer of the combined
Chakotay was first seen in "Caretaker" (VOY). |