Full Name: Jean-Luc Picard
Current Rank: Captain
Current Assignment: Commanding Officer, U.S.S. Enterprise
Biographical Information Place of Birth: 13 July 2305, LaBarre, France,
Born to Maurice and Yvette Picard. Never married. An
exceptional Starfleet officer, Picard is also a skilled diplomat. He
turned down a promotion to Admiral in 2364. He enjoys horseback riding,
reading Shakespeare, Dixon Hill holo-novels, and Earl Grey tea. An amateur
archeologist (published), he studied under Professor Richard Galen. He
plays the Ressikan flute as a result of receiving entire life-memories of
Kamin in 2368, who lived on the planet Kataan one thousand years previous.
In 2327 he was stabbed through the heart by Nausicaans at the Bonestell
Recreation Facility on Starbase Earhart and received an artificial heart,
which requires periodic replacement. Picard was promoted directly to
Captain from Lieutenant in 2355 when the Captain of the U.S.S. Stargazer was
killed. In 2366 he was abducted and partially assimilated by the
Starfleet History 2322 Applied
for admission to Starfleet Academy. Rejected. 2323-2326 Attended
Starfleet Academy. Class valedictorian. 2327 Stabbed through heart by
Nausicaans and received artificial heart 2333 Posted to U.S.S.
Stargazer NCC-2893, Lieutenant. 2335 Promoted to Captain of U.S.S.
Stargazer NCC-2893. 2355 U.S.S. Stargazer NCC-2893 abandoned at Maxia
Zeta system after being attacked by an unknown vessel (found out to be
Ferengi in 2364). 2360 Absolved of charges during court martial
relating to the loss of the Stargazer. 2363 Posted to Captain of new
Galaxy-class U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D. 2364 Declined promotion to
admiral and commandant of Starfleet Academy. 2365 Made first contact
with the Borg. 2366 Abducted and partially assimilated by the Borg and
rescued by Enterprise crew. 2367 Served as Arbiter of Succession to
Klingon Empire after death of Klingon leader K'mpec 2369 Participated
in a covert operation to Celtris III to destroy a Cardassian metagenic
weapon. It was found to be a trap and Picard was captured by Cardassians
and tortured, but resisted, and did not divulge any tactical
information. 2371 U.S.S. Enterpise NCC-1701-D was destroyed at Veridian
III. Stopped Dr. Soran from destroying the Veridian star system. 2372
Posted to Captain of Sovereign-class U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-E. 2373
Took command of Admiral Hayes' task force against the Borg invasion when
Hayes' ship was destroyed. Succeeded in stopping the Borg's temporal
incurrsion and in destroying the Borg Queen. 2374 Commanded fleet
protecting Earth during Dominion invasion.
Jean-Luc Picard was first seen in "Encounter at Farpoint" (TNG). |