Full Name: Dr. Julian Subatoi Bashir
Current Rank: Lieutenant
Current Assignment: Chief Medical Officer, Deep Space Nine
Biographical Information Place of Birth: 2341, England, Earth.
Julian was born in 2341 to Richard
and Amsha Bashir. He enjoys darts and racquetball and was captain of the
racquetball team at Starfleet Medical Academy. He also enjoys "secret
agent" holonovels. In 2371 he became the youngest nominee for the
Carrington Award for his research in biomolecular replication. In 2372,
Dr. Bashir discovered a cure for "the quickening," a terminal
disease created by the Dominion. The Jem'Hadar introduced the disease to
the Teplan system. In 2373, Julian was abducted by the Dominion and
replaced by a changeling for approximately one month, where the changeling
tried to destroy the Bajoran sun with a trilithium bomb. In 2373, Dr.
Bashir was chosen as the model for Starfleet's long-term emergency
holographic medical (LMH) program. However, it was discovered that
Julian's parents had him genetically enhanced at age six, which is against
Federation law. He had severe learning disabilities. He was subsequently
rejected as the LMH model, and his father was sentenced to
Starfleet History 2359-2369
Attended Starfleet Medical Academy. Graduated second in class. 2369
Posted to Deep Space Nine, Chief Medical Officer. Lieutenant, j.g.
2371 Nominated for the Carrington Award. 2371 Accidentally
transported back to the 2024 Bell Riots. Helped to restore the
timeline. 2372 Promoted to Lieutenant. 2372 Discovered a cure for
"the quickening", a disease created by the Dominion. 2373
Replaced by a changeling who tried to destroy Bajoran sun. 2373 Bashir
is chosen as the model for Starfleet's long-term emergency holographic
medical program. Rejected. 2374 Served on U.S.S. Defiant NX-74205 during
Federation/Klingon Task Force against the Dominion.
Julian Bashir was first seen in "Emissary" (DS9). |