Full Name: Natasha Yar
Current Status: Deceased, 2364
Highest Rank Attained: Lieutenant
Last Assignment: Chief of Security, U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D
Biographical Information Place of Birth: 2337, Turkana IV
Ukranian in descent, Yar was born on a failed Federation
colony on Turkana IV. Her parents were killed when she was five. She spent
the next 10 years struggling for survival, evading rape gangs and caring
for her younger sister, Ishara Yar. Tasha escaped Turkana IV when she was
fifteen and joined Starfleet. Her sister stayed behind and joined the
In late 2364, Tasha was killed in the line of duty by an
entity named Armus while participating in a rescue mission on Vagra II.
She left a holographic farewell message to her
Starfleet History 2352-2356
Attended Starfleet Academy. 2359 Posted to U.S.S. Bellerophon
NCC-62048. Security officer. 2363 Citation for Bravery, rescue mission
on planet Carnel. 2364 Promoted to Lieutenant. 2364 Posted to U.S.S.
Enterprise NCC-1701-D, Chief of Security 2364 Killed in the line of
duty on Vagra II by Armus. 2367 Romulan Commander Sela claimed to be
the child of Tasha Yar and the Romulan general who captured the crew of
the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-C in 2344. According to Sela, a temporal
rift caused the Enterprise-C to jump into the future and Yar remained on
board the Enterprise-C when the ship returned to its proper time
Natasha Yar was first seen in "Encounter at Farpoint" (TNG). |