Full Name: Thomas Eugene Paris
Current Rank: Ensign
Highest Rank Attained: Lieutenant, junior grade
Current Assignment: Flight Controller Officer, U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656
Biographical Information Place of Birth: 2342, Earth
Tom is the son of Starfleet Admiral Owen Paris. Tom is
an exceptional shuttle pilot. When the pressures of living up to the
family name resulted in tragedy, Paris enlisted with the renegade Maquis,
only to be captured and imprisoned by Starfleet. Given a second chance by
Captain Janeway, Paris is determined to prove his worth. Tom's interests
include 20th century Earth history and automobiles, rock climbing, and
holonovel programming.
In 2375, he designed The Delta Flyer, a
large warp-capable shuttle. In mid-2375, in his eagerness to help Monean
scientist Riga, he ignored the Prime Directive, disobeyed a direct order,
stole the Delta Flyer and attempted to destroy a Monean oxygen processing
plant. Captain Janeway demoted him to the rank of Ensign and sentenced him
to 30 days in the brig.
Starfleet History 2359-2363 Attended Starfleet Academy. Major in astrophysics, 87th
percentile. 2363 Posted to U.S.S. Exeter NCC-26531. 2368 Promoted to
Lieutenant, junior grade. 2369 Caused an accident on Caldrik Prime
which killed three other pilots. 2369 Admitted to falsifying records to
hide fault in Caldrik Prime accident. Discharged from Starfleet. Joined
the Maquis. Three weeks into first Maquis mission was captured by
Starfleet. Imprisoned for treason for 18 months at the Federation Penal
Settlement on New Zealand. 2371 Released from prison when he agreed to
help Captain Janeway locate the Maquis. 2371 Posted to U.S.S. Voyager
NCC-74656, Flight Controller. Field promotion to Lt. j.g. 2375 Designed
and constructed The Delta Flyer, a large long-range shuttle. 2375
Disobeyed a direct order. Demoted to Ensign and sentenced 30 days in the
Thomas Paris was first seen in "Caretaker" (VOY).