Full Name: Tuvok
Current Rank: Lieutenant Commander
Current Assignment: Chief of Security, U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656
Biographical Information Place of Birth: 2264, Vulcan
Tuvok's powerful
combination of wisdom, experience and physical skills make him a valued
addition to the Voyager crew. He enjoys Vulcan meditation and playing the
Vulcan game kal-toh.
Tuvok entered Starfleet at the urgings of his
parents. Tuvok had wished to become a Vulcan priest, but could not disobey
his parents. After several years, he found that he could no longer live
among humans, and he resigned from Starfleet and returned to Vulcan in
2298. He then decided to pursue the study of the Kolinahr at the Temple of
Amonak. In 2304, he entered into the Pon farr, the Vulcan mating time, for
the first time. In the Vulcan custom, his parents chose his wife, T'Pel,
and the two were married. They later had three sons and one
Starfleet History 2289-2293
Attended Starfleet Academy. Advanced degree in Tactical Strategies and
Weaponry. 2294 Posted to U.S.S. Excelsior NCC-2000, Ensign. Junior
Science Officer. 2298 Resigned commission in Starfleet and returned to
Vulcan. 2298-2303 Studied the Kolinahr at the Temple of Amonak. 2343
Re-enlisted in Starfleet. 2349 Posted to U.S.S. Wyoming. 2351 Taught
classes at Starfleet Academy. 2367 Posted to U.S.S. Bonestell. Served
with Captain Janeway as Tactical Officer. 2369 Posted to Jupiter
Station. 2370 Infiltrated the Maquis in an undercover
investigation. 2371 Posted to U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656, Chief of
Security and Tactical Officer. 2371 Demoted to Lieutenant while
participating in a scheme to steal Sikarian technology. 2374 Promoted
to Lieutenant Commander. 2374 Assisted with construction of The Delta
Tuvok was first seen in "Caretaker" (VOY).