
  Tekeny Ghemor  Lawrence Pressman

Prominent member of the Cardassian Central Command. In 2371, Legate Ghemor was suspected by the Obsidian Order of being member of the Cardassian underground movement. In an effort to expose his true sympathies, Ghemor was told that his daughter, Iliana, had returned from a ten-year covert mission where she had assumed the identity of a Bajoran terrorist. In fatc, Iliana had not returned, and the Obsidian Order had substituted Kira Nerys, surgically altered to resemble his daughter, in a elaborate ruse to expose him. Ghemor was led to believe that his daughter had undergone mind conditioning, and that she was in danger of being killed by the Obsidian Order. Seeking to protect his daughter, Ghemor contacted his friends in the dissident movement to help her escape government interrogation. In doing this, Ghemor's ties to the dissident movement were exposed, but he was able to escape Cardassia with the help of Garak and Deep Space 9 personnel. Ghemor reportedly accepted asylum with the Mathenites.

Tekeny Ghemor was first seen in "Second Skin" (DS9).
tekeny ghemor

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