
  Richard Castillo  Christopher McDonald

The helm officer of the U.S.S. Enterprise-C. He was injured in 2344 in the battle with Romulans at Narendra III. During the battle, Castillo was transported along with his ship into the future, to the year 2366, when a torpedo explosion opened up a temporal rift. With the disappearance of the Enterprise-C from its "proper" time frame, history developed in a dramatically altered manner. In this altered future, Castillo served as liason between the Enterprise-C and Enterprise-D, working closely with tactical officer Natasha Yar (alternate), with whom he became romantically involved. When it was learned that the Enterprise-C had to return to the past to restore the "proper" flow of history, Castillo volunteered to command the ship after the death of Captain Rachel Garrett. Castillo understood that returning to the past to repair history was a virtual suicide mission.

Richard Castillo was first seen in "Yesterday's Enterprise" (TNG).
richard castillo

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