
  Neela Daren  Wendy Hughes

Enterprise-D scientist who headed the ship's Stellar Cartography department in 2369. An accomplished pianist, Lieutenant Commander Neela Daren discovered that Captain Jean-Luc Picard played a Ressikan flute, and the two enjoyed playing duets together. Their mutual appreciation for music soon blossomed into a romantic relationship. When a fierce firestorm threatened lives on planet Bersalis III, Neela Daren was chosen to supervise installation of thermal deflector units to protect the outpost. Daren and several other crew members risked their lives by operating the deflectors manually so all colonists could be safely transported to the ship. After the incident, it became obvious to both that it would be extremely difficult to continue their relationship because Picard would hesitate to place her in danger again. Each refusing to give up their profession, Neela Daren requested a transfer off the Enterprise-D.

Neela Daren was first seen in "Lessons" (TNG).
neela daren

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