
  Richard Galen  Norman Lloyd

Possibly the greatest archaeologist of the 24th century. Galen spent the last decade of his life attempting to confirm an extraordinary theory that numerous humanoid species in the galaxy had a common genetic heritage, born from the fact that some species apparently had "seeded" the primordial oceans of many worlds. Galen spent years gathering genetic information from at least 19 planets across the quadrant in an effort to confirm his theory. Galen's greatest discovery was that the genetic codes on these planets could be assembled to form a computer program containing a message of peace from those ancient progenitors. Among Galen's students was Jean-Luc Picard, whom Galen hoped would also become an archaeologist. Although Picard instead chose to pursue a career in Starfleet, he was instrumental in completing Galen's last work.

Richard Galen was first seen in "The Chase" (TNG).
richard galen

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