
  Brunt  Jeffrey Combs

Liquidator from the Ferengi Commerce Authority (FCA). Brunt was assigned the case of Quark's mother Ishka, who was charged in 2371 with breaking Ferengi law by earning profit. In 2372, the FCA sent Liquidator Brunt to Deep Space 9 to investigate allegations that Ferengi workers at Quark's bar had formed a labor union. Brunt's dislike of Quark was considerable. When Quark thought he was dying of Dorek syndrome later that year, Brunt bid the enormous sum of 500 bars of latinum on the Ferengi Futures Exchange for Quark's vacuum-desiccated remains. Shortly thereafter, when Quark learned that he was not terminally ill, Brunt demanded the fulfillment of the sale, forcing Quark to break the contract. Brunt used this serious violation of Ferengi law to justify the seizure of Quark's assets and the revocation of his Ferengi business license.
In 2373, Brunt offered to restore Quark's license in exchange for assistance in disrupting the relationship between Grand Nagus Zek and Quark's mother, Ishka. Brunt's action, which placed the financial stability of the entire Ferengi Alliance at risk, were part of an unsuccessful plot in which Brunt hoped to dethrone Zek in order to ascend to nagus. Disgraced, Brunt was relieved of his position as Liquidator. Brunt redeemed himself in Zek's eyes the following year when he participated in the rescue mission that freed Ishka from Dominion captivity. This did not stop Brunt from continuing to maneuver to depose Zek several month later when Zek publicly embraced the radical policy of social and economic equality for Ferengi females. Brunt was even able to serve as acting grand nagus for several days until Zek was able to reconsolidate his position.

Brunt was first seen in "Family Business" (DS9).

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