Full Name: B'Elanna Torres
Current Rank: Lieutenant junior grade (field promotion)
Highest Starfleet Rank Attained: Cadet 3rd Class
Current Assignment: Chief Engineer, U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656
Biographical Information Place of Birth: 2341, Federation Colony Kessik IV
B'Elanna is half-human and half-klingon. Her mother was Klingon
and tried to teach her the ways of the Klingon, but B'Elanna rebelled
against many of the Klingon beliefs. Her father, a human Starfleet
officer, left her mother when B'Elanna was five, and her and her mother moved
to Kronos, the Klingon Homeworld. She is intelligent, and has strong
engineering skills. She has a hard time controlling her temper and can be
very aggressive, which is why she dropped out of Starfleet Academy after
her second year. She then joined the Maquis and served as Chakotay's
engineer. When the Maquis ship was destroyed by the Caretaker, she became
the Chief Engineer aboard the U.S.S. Voyager, with a field promotion to
Starfleet History 2359-2361
Attended Starfleet Academy. Dropped out in second year. Academy Professor
P. Chapman recommended B'Elanna for re-admission. 2370 Joined Maquis
resistance. 2370 Chief Engineer aboard Maquis raider commanded by
Chakotay. 2371 When the Maquis ship was destroyed after being pulled
into the Delta Quadrant, the crew was transferred to U.S.S.
Voyager. 2371 Chief Engineer U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656. Field promotion
to Lt. j.g. 2374 Arrested on Mari homeworld for thinking violent
thoughts. 2374 Adapted Voyager's EMH program for transmission over
alien comm array to the Federation starship U.S.S. Prometheus in the Alpha
Quadrant. 2374 Assisted with design and construction of The Delta
B'Elanna Torres was first seen in "Caretaker" (VOY). |