Full Name: Benjamin Lafayette Sisko
Current Rank: Captain
Current Assignment: Commanding Officer, Deep Space 9
Biographical Information Place of Birth: New Orleans, Earth
He married Jennifer in 2353, just
after graduating from Starfleet Academy. He has one son, Jake Sisko born
in 2355. His wife Jennifer was killed at the Battle of Wolf 359 with the
Borg. He has one sister, Judith. His father, Joseph Sisko, is still alive
and running his creole restaurant in New Orleans on Earth. Ben enjoys
baseball, history, cooking, archaeology, and collecting ancient African
In 2369, following the Cardassian withdrawal from the
Bajoran Sector, Sisko was promoted to Commander and assigned as commanding
officer of Deep Space 9. The old Cardassian station, built during the
Occupation of Bajor, was transferred to Bajoran control and the Bajoran
Provisional Government requested Federation aid in running the station.
Kai Opaka told Sisko that he was the Emissary of the Prophets, the
religious leader promised by the prophets as the one who would save Bajor
by finding the Celestial Temple of the Prophets, which he did in 2369 with
the discovery of the Bajoran Wormhole in the Denorios Belt in the Bajoran
System. The station was then moved from orbit around Bajor to the mouth of
the wormhole, which connects the Alpha and Gamma Quadrants.
2371, Sisko built an ancient Bajoran solar-sail vessel and piloted it to
Cardassia, proving that the Bajorans did the same 800 years prior. In
2373, Sisko had a vision that predicted the destruction of Bajor if they
were admitted to the Federation. The Bajoran Council of Ministers delayed
Federation admission.
Captain Sisko thinks of Bajor as his home and
he hopes to one day build a home there.
Starfleet History 2350-2353
Attended Starfleet Academy. 2351 Field Study on Starbase 131. 2354
Posted to U.S.S. Livingston NCC-34099, Ensign. 23?? Promoted to
Lieutenant. 23?? Posted to Executive Officer of U.S.S. Okinawa,
Promoted to Lt. Commander. 2365 Posted to Executive Officer of U.S.S.
Saratoga NCC-31911, Lt. Commander. 2367 The Saratoga was destroyed at
the Battle of Wolf 359 by the Borg. 2367 Posted to Utopia Planitia Fleet
Yards on Mars, orbital habitat design team, Defiant-class design
team. 2369 Promoted to Commander. 2369 Posted to Deep Space 9
following Cardassian withdrawal from Bajor. With the help of Jadzia Dax,
discovered the Bajoran Wormhole in the Denorios Belt. 2371 Assigned the
prototype U.S.S. Defiant NX-74205. 2371 Accidentally transported back
to the 2024 Bell Riots. Helped to restore the timeline by impersonating
Gabriel Bell. 2371 Built an ancient Bajoran solar-sail vessel and
piloted it to Cardassia. 2371 Promoted to Captain. 2372 Temporarily
made acting chief of Starfleet Security on Earth. Exposed Admiral Leyton
trying to take military control of the Earth. 2373 Participated in
covert mission to expose Klingon leader as a changeling. 2374 Commanded
U.S.S. Defiant during Starfleet/Klingon Task Force against the
Dominion. 2374 Commanded a successful covert mission to destroy a
Cardassian/Dominion ketracel-white depot. 2374 Promoted to adjutant
for Admiral Ross at Starbase 375, Federation Task Force Tactical
Operations. 2374 Received Christopher Pike Medal of
Benjamin Sisko was first seen in "Emissary" (DS9). |