Full Name: Jadzia Dax
Current Status: Deceased, 2374
Highest Rank Attained: Lieutenant Commander
Last Assignment: Chief Science Officer, Deep Space Nine Ops Officer, U.S.S. Defiant NX-74205
Biographical Information Place of Birth: 2341, Trill
Jadzia Dax is one of the Trill joined species, consisting of
the humanoid host Jadzia, and the symbiont Dax. Jadzia is an expert in
exobiology and astrophysics. She is also an excellent pilot. She enjoys
Klingon martial arts, Klingon culture, collecting music, and the game
tongo. Her father's name is Kela. Jadzia has one sister. She is the only
person in her family who is joined with a symbiont. Jadzia did very well
in the initiate program, however Curzon Dax recommended that she be
dropped. She later re-applied and became the only person to do so. Jadzia
was joined with the 350-year-old Dax symbiont in 2367 when Curzon died.
Curzon requested the symbiont be joined with Jadzia because he felt guilty
for having her dropped unjustly.
The Dax symbiont has had eight
hosts: the eighth is Jadzia, the seventh host was Curzon, the sixth Joran,
the fifth Torias, the fourth Audrid, the third Emony, second Tobin, first
Lela. The Dax symbiont has been married five times: three as a bride, two
as a groom, and has had nine children: five as a mother, and four as
father. Curzon Dax was a Federation Ambassador to the Klingon Empire and
helped negotiate the Khitomer Accords. Emony was an olympic gymnast.
Torias was killed in a shuttle accident. Curzon befriended a young
Starfleet Ensign, Benjamin Sisko.
In 2369, Dax was reunited with
Sisko, when Jadzia Dax was assigned to Station Deep Space Nine, commanded
by Commander Benjamin Sisko. Dax and Sisko discovered the Bajoran wormhole
in the Denorius belt. In 2370, Verad forcibly removed the Dax symbiont
from Jadzia and joined with it. The symbiont was returned in time for
rejoining with Jadzia host. In 2371, Jadzia became ill and her body began
to reject the symbiont. It was discovered that she had another host, Joran
Dax, who was a murderer. The Symbiosis Commission tried to hide the
memories from Jadzia. In late 2371, Jadzia participated in the zhian'tara,
the Trill rite of closure, where she "meets" her previous hosts
through the bodies of her friends. She was Lt. Cmdr. Worf's
par'machkai and the two were married in 2374.
In 2374,
Jadzia was killed by Cardassian Gul Dukat, who was possesed by a
pah-wraith at the time. Dr. Bashir was unable to save the host Jadzia, but
did manage to save the Dax Symbiont. The Dax symbiont was returned to
Trill for re-joining.
Starfleet History 2359-2363
Attended Starfleet Academy Degrees in Exobiology, Zoology, Astrophysics
and Exoarchaeology. 2369 Assigned as Science Officer to Deep Space 9,
Lieutenant. 2369 Commander Sisko and Dax discover the Bajoran Wormhole in
the Denorios Belt. 2371 Accidentally transported back to the 2024 Bell
Riots. Helped to restore the timeline. 2372 Promoted to Lieutenant
Commander. 2374 Served on U.S.S. Defiant NX-74205 during
Federation/Klingon Task Force against the Dominion. 2374 Participated
in a successful covert mission to destroy a Cardassian/Dominion ketracel-white depot. 2374 Commanded U.S.S. Defiant in a successful covert mission
to destroy a Cardassian/Dominion sensor array. 2374 Killed in the line
of duty on Deep Space Nine by Dukat.
Jadzia Dax was first seen in "Emissary" (DS9).