Full Name: Deanna Troi
Current Rank: Commander
Current Assignment: Ship's Counselor, U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-E
Biographical Information Place of Birth: 29 March 2336, Lake El-Nar, Betazed
Troi was born to
Betazoid mother Lwaxana and a human
father, Lt. Ian Andrew Troi, a Starfleet officer. Her father died when she
was very young. She had a sister Kestra, who died at the age of six in an
accident several months after Deanna was born. Being half betazoid, Deanna
is an empath. She is a highly trained psychologist and Starfleet officer,
with strong diplomatic skills. She loves chocolate and enjoys playing
poker with her crewmates. While attending the University of Betazed, she
met Ensign William Riker, and they became romantically involved. They
parted when Riker was posted to the U.S.S. Potemkin. They would
later both serve on the U.S.S. Enterprise-D together. She bore a
child, Ian Andrew Troi, involuntarily conceived with an unknown
non-corporeal life, in 2365. When the child found out it was endangering
the ship, it returned to its non-corporeal form and left.
Starfleet History 2355-2359
Attended Starfleet Academy 2360-2363 University of Betazed, advanced
career study in Psychology 2364 Posted to U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D
Ship's Counselor. Promoted to Lt. Cmdr. 2369 Abducted by Romulan
underground and surgically altered to appear Romulan to assist in
defection of Romulan pro-counsel M'ret to the Federation. 2370 Passed
Bridge Officer's Exam and promoted to Commander. 2371 U.S.S. Enterprise
NCC-1701-D was destroyed at Veridian III. 2372 Posted to
Sovereign-class U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-E. 2373 U.S.S. Enterprise
NCC-1701-E succeeded in stopping the Borg's temporal incursion. Assisted
in rebuilding Zefram Cochrane's warp ship, The Phoenix. Commanded mission
Deanna Troi was first seen in "Encounter at Farpoint" (TNG). |