Full Name: William Thomas Riker
Current Rank: Commander
Current Assignment: Executive Officer, U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-E
Biographical Information 19 August 2335, Valdez, Alaska, Earth
His father is Starfleet Admiral Kyle Riker; his mother died
when he was two years old. He was raised by his father, until he abandoned
him at age 15. Riker enjoys old Earth jazz music, plays the trombone, and
enjoys poker and cooking. In 2356, Lt. Riker was commended for exceptional
valor during a rescue mission on Nervala IV. He was subsequently promoted
to Lieutenant Commander. However, a transporter malfunction caused a 2nd
image of Lt. Riker to materialize on the planet surface, where he remained
trapped until the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D returned in 2369. The Lt.
Riker and Cdmr. Riker had trouble getting along, but eventually worked
things out. Lt. Riker took their middle name, Thomas.
Starfleet History Decorated five
times. 2349-2353 Attended Starfleet Academy. Graduated eighth in
class. 2354 Posted to U.S.S. Pegasus NCC-34182, Ensign, Flight
Controller. 2354 Promoted to Lieutenant. 2354 Stationed on
Federation planet Betazed after U.S.S. Pegasus NCC-34182, commanded by Erik Pressman, was presumed
destroyed by a warp core breach. (The Pegasus was later found inside
Asteroid Gamma 6-0-1 in the Devolin System in 2370.) 2355 Posted to
U.S.S. Potemkin NCC-8253. 2356 Promoted to Lt. Commander and commended
for exceptional valor during rescue mission on Nervala IV. A transporter
malfunction caused a 2nd image of Lt. Riker to materialize on the
surface. 2360 Posted to U.S.S. Hood NCC-42296 as Executive
Officer. 2364 Promoted to Commander. 2364 Offered command of U.S.S.
Drake NCC-20381. Declined. 2364 Posted to U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D
as Executive Officer. 2365 Participated in Officer Exchange Program.
Became first Starfleet officer to serve aboard a Klingon vessel, as first
officer of Klingon cruiser I.K.C. P'agh. 2365 Offered command of U.S.S.
Aries NCC-45167, declined. 2366 Charged with murder of Dr. Nel Apgar.
Charges were dropped after new evidence was produced. 2366 Offered
command of U.S.S. Melbourne NCC-62043, declined. 2366 Temporary field
promotion to captain of U.S.S. Enterprise when Captain Picard was abducted
by the Borg. 2370 The U.S.S. Pegasus was found inside Asteroid Gamma
6-0-1 in the Devolin System. It contained an illegal prototype
phased-cloaking device. Riker notified Captain Picard of the cloaking
device. Charges against Riker were later dropped. 2371 U.S.S.
Enterprise NCC-1701-D was destroyed at Veridian III. 2372 Posted to
Sovereign-class U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-E. 2373 U.S.S. Enterprise
NCC-1701-E succeeded in stopping the Borg's temporal incursion. Assisted
in rebuilding Zefram Cochrane's warp ship, The
William T. Riker was first seen in "Encounter at Farpoint" (TNG).