Full Name: Ezri Dax
Current Rank: Lieutenant, junior grade
Current Assignment: Station's Counselor, Deep Space Nine
Biographical Information Place of Birth: Trill
Ezri Dax is a member of the Trill joined species,
consisting of the humanoid host Ezri, and the symbiont Dax. Ezri has a
mother, Yanas Tigan, and two brothers - Norvo Tigan and Janel Tigan -
who live in the Sappora System. The Tigans own and operate a family mining
business, the sixth largest in the sector.
Ezri Tigan was joined
with the Dax symbiont after the death of Jadzia in 2374. While en route to
Trill aboard the U.S.S. Destiny, the Dax symbiont took a turn for
the worse and needed to be joined immediately. Ezri Tigan was the only
available Trill host on board and had to be implanted with the Dax
symbiont. Ezri did not go through the Trill Symbiosis Institute initiate
training, but received an emergency 15-minute lecture from the surgeon who
performed the implantation. As a result, she has difficulties coping with
the symbiont's multiple personalities. As with Trill tradition, the
symbiont name replaces the new host's family name and she became Ezri
In 2375, Starfleet Medical waived Ezri's remaining training
period and promoted her to full counselor. She was promoted to the rank of
Lieutenant junior grade.
The Dax symbiont has had nine hosts: the
ninth is Ezri, the eighth host was Jadzia, the seventh was Curzon, the
sixth Joran, the fifth Torias, the fourth Audrid, the third Emony, second
Tobin, first Lela. The Dax symbiont has been married five times: three as
a bride, two as a groom, and has had nine children: five as a mother, and
four as father. Tobin was an engineer. Emony was an olympic gymnast.
Torias was killed in a shuttle accident. Curzon was a Federation-Klingon
ambassador. Jadzia was a Starfleet science officer. Ezri is a Starfleet
Starfleet History Attended
Starfleet Academy 2374 Posted to U.S.S. Destiny, Assistant Ship's
Counselor. 2375 Joined with Dax symbiont. 2375 Assigned to station
Deep Space Nine, Station's Counselor, Promoted to Lieutenant, junior
Ezri Dax was first seen in "Image in the Sand" (DS9). |