Full Name: Harry Kim
Current Rank: Ensign
Current Assignment: Operations Officer, U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656
Biographical Information Place of Birth: 2349, New Mexico, Earth
A recent graduate of
Starfleet Academy, Harry boards the Starship U.S.S. Voyager after a
stellar academic career. He was editor of the Starfleet Academy newspaper
for one year. While he is nervous about living up to his own expectations,
Harry looks forward to the challenges of space exploration. He is an only
child. Ensign Kim played the clarinet in the Julliard Youth Symphony. He
enjoys volleyball and the holonovel Beowulf. He wrote a clarinet concerto
called "Echoes of the Void".
Starfleet History 2366 Applied
for admission to Starfleet Academy. Rejected. 2367-2371 Attended
Starfleet Academy. 2371 Posted to U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656. 2374
Created new Astrometrics Lab with Seven of Nine. 2374 Assisted with
construction of The Delta Flyer.
Harry Kim was first seen in "Caretaker" (VOY). |