Full Name: Seven of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix Zero-One
Human Name: Annika Hansen
Current Rank: n/a
Current Assignment: Crewman, U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656
Biographical Information Place of Birth: 2341, Tendara Colony
Annika Hansen and her family were assimilated by the Borg
when she was still a young child, in 2348. Her mother and father were
famous Federation scientists. They took their ship, the S.S. Raven
NAR-32450, and headed toward the Delta Quadrant to conduct scientific
research and were never heard from again. After assimilation she became
known by the designation "Seven of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct of
Unimatrix Zero-One". Seven of Nine's interplexing beacon has a
translink frequency of 108.44236000.
In 2374, Seven of Nine became
the liason between the Borg and the U.S.S. Voyager during a joint
operation to defeat Species 8472. In exchange for information about
Species 8472, the Borg were to grant Voyager safe passage through the vast
Borg space. Seven of Nine joined the Voyager crew when her connection to
the Borg Collective was severed after her Borg cube was destroyed by
Species 8472 bioships. Voyager's EMH Doctor removed many of the Borg
implants and her human characteristics are resurfacing. Seven currently
has approximately 18% of the Borg implants still functioning, including
her cranial and occular implants. Even though she is becoming more human,
she prefers to be called Seven of Nine, and not
Starfleet History 2374 Acts as Liason between Borg and U.S.S. Voyager. 2374
Disconnected from Borg collective by Voyager crew. 2374 Designed a new
Astrometrics Lab with Ensign Harry Kim. 2374 Successfully traversed
radioactive nebula while crew was in stasis. 2375 Assisted with
construction of The Delta Flyer. 2375 A Borg Vinculum causes Seven to
manifest multiple personalities.
Seven of Nine was first seen in "Scorpion, Part II" (VOY).