Full Name: Miles Edward O'Brien
Current Rank: Chief Petty Officer
Current Assignment: Chief Operations Officer, Deep Space
9 Chief Engineer, U.S.S. Defiant NX-74205
Biographical Information Place of Birth: September 2328, Killarney, Ireland, Earth
Starfleet engineer Miles
O'Brien married Keiko Ishikawa in 2366. They have two children, daughter
Molly O'Brien born in 2367, and son Kirayoshi O'Brien born in 2373.
O'Brien enjoys the holonovel "Battle of Britain", racquetball,
darts and kayaking. He also plays the cello. His father, Michael O'Brien,
wanted him to be a concert cellist, however Miles joined Starfleet two
days before entering the Aldeberan Music Academy.
Starfleet History Has been
decorated 16 times. 2346 Enlisted in Starfleet as a non-commissioned
officer. 2347 Posted to U.S.S. Rutledge NCC-57295. Transporter
specialist. 2347 U.S.S. Rutledge responded to Cardassian massacre on
Setlik III Federation outpost. 2347-2362 U.S.S. Rutledge NCC-57295,
tactical officer. 2364 Posted to U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D. 2364
Assigned to Enterprise-D Transporter Chief. 2369 Promoted to Chief of
Operations, station Deep Space Nine. 2370 Arrested by the Cardassians
and put on trial for Maquis crimes. Charges were dismissed when Odo and
Captain Sisko found the Cardassians planted evidence. 2371 Assigned as
Chief Engineer of U.S.S. Defiant NX-74205. 2373 Participated in covert
mission to expose Klingon leader as a changeling. 2374 Served on U.S.S.
Defiant NX-74205 during Federation/Klingon Task Force against the
Dominion. 2374 Participated in a successful covert mission to destroy a
Cardassian/Dominion ketracel-white depot.
Miles O'Brien was first seen in "Encounter at Farpoint" (TNG). |