Full Name: Reginald Endicott Barclay III
Current Rank: Lieutenant
Current Assignment: Diagnostic Engineer, U.S.S.
Enterprise NCC-1701-E
Biographical Information Place of Birth: 2340, Ohio, Earth
Barclay is an extremely talented
Starfleet systems diagnostic engineer, but was timid and awkward in social
situations. Having reclusive tendencies, Barclay created a rich fantasy
life on the U.S.S. Enterprise-D's holodeck. He was able to overcome this
by counseling sessions with Counselor Deanna Troi. Barclay is fond of
investigating the Starfleet Medical Database, often convinced he has a
rare and deadly disease. He had a strong phobia of being transported until
2369, when he was forced to participate in the U.S.S. Yosemite rescue
Starfleet History Attended
Starfleet Academy 2362 Attended Daystrom Institute. 2362 Posted
U.S.S. Zhukov NCC-62136, Diagnostic Engineer. 2366 Commendation for
Excellent Service by Capt. Gleason, U.S.S. Zhukov. 2366 Posted to
U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D, Diagnostic Engineer. 2367 A Cytherian
probe temporarily increased neurochemical activity, causing him to take
control of the Enterprise compute.r 2369 Barclay discovers quasi-energy
microbes in the U.S.S. Yosemite NCC-19002 transporter beam. 2370 While
being treated for Urodelean flu, a synthetic T-cell caused Barclay's
introns to mutate and become airborne, infecting the Enterprise crew
causing them to de-evolve. Dr. Beverly Crusher named this disease
Barclay's Proto-morphosis Syndrome. 2371 U.S.S. Enterpise NCC-1701-D
was destroyed at Veridian III. 2371 Assisted Dr. Lewis Zimmerman in
programming the Emergency Medical Holographic (EMH) Program at Jupiter Station
Holoprogramming Center. 2372 Posted to Sovereign-class U.S.S.
Enterprise NCC-1701-E 2373 U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-E succeeded in
stopping the Borg's temporal incursion. Assisted in rebuilding Zefram
Cochrane's warp ship, The Phoenix.
Reginald Barclay was first seen in "Hollow Pursuits" (TNG).