
  B'Etor  Gwynyth Walsh

A member of the Klingon Empire's politically influential Duras family, B'Etor was the younger of Duras's two sisters. Following the death of Duras in 2367, B'Etor plotted unsuccessfully with her sister Lursa, to seat Duras's illegitimate son, Toral, as leader of the Klingon High Council, plunging the empire into a Klingon civil war. B'Etor subsequently dropped out of sight for two years until she and her sister attempted to raise capital for their armies by selling bilitrium explosives to the Kohn-ma, a Bajoran terrorist organization, in 2369. In 2370, she and her sister illegally mined a magnesite ore deposit on Kalla III which belonged to the Pakleds. They later tried to sell the ore to the Yridians in the Ufandi system. In 2371, B'Etor and Lursa obtained trilithium weapons technology from Dr. Tolian Soran, in hopes of making another attempt to reconquer the Klingon Empire. When the Starship Enterprise-D stumbled upon their activities with Soran at the Armagosa Observatory, B'Etor and Lursa attacked the Enterprise-D. B'Etor was killed when the Enterprise-D returned fire, destroying her bird-of-prey spacecraft.

B'Etor was first seen in "Redemption, Part I" (TNG).

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