The illegitimate son of Klingon High Council member Duras. In 2367, Duras family members Lursa and B'Etor launched a bid for young Toral to succeed the late K'mpec as chancellor of the council. Jean-Luc Picard, as Arbiter of Succession, ruled that Toral was not entitled to his late father's council position, since Toral had not yet distinguished himself in the service of the empire. Following the victory of Gowron against Duras family forces in the Klingon civil war of 2367-2368, Toral's life was forfeit because his father and grandfather had wrongfully dishonored the family of Mogh. Worf, eldest son of Mogh, nevertheless declined to demand Toral's death, much to the surprise of Gowron and the council. In 2372, Toral learned of Dahar Master Kor's quest for the legendary Sword of Kahless. Hoping to use the artifact for his own political gain, Toral followed Kor to a Hur'q planet in the Gamma Quadrant and tried to steal the sword.
Toral was first seen in "Redemption, Part I" (TNG).